Seafoods and Agricualtural products
Nutrition Value/ Valor Nutritional
Componentes / Components Por 100g / Per 100g
Energía / Energy 131 kcal
Agua / Water 79.2 g
Proteína / Protein 1.7 g
Grasa Total / Total Fat 12.5 g
Carbohidratos / Carbohydrates 5.6 g
Fibra dietaria / Diet Fiber 6.7 g
Calcio / Calcium 37 mg
Zinc / Zinc 0.64 mg
Hierro / Iron 0.6 mg
Retinol / Retinol 7 µg
Vitamina A / Vitamin A 7 µg
Tiamina / Tiamin 0.09 mg
Rivoflavina / Rivoflavin 0.05 g
Niacina / Niacin/ 0.82 mg
Vitamina C / Vitamin C 8 mg
Yellow Pitahaya Fruits
Yellow Pitahaya is a kind of dragon fruit with only two original countries, Ecuador and Colombia inn the world.
It contains rich nutrients as vitamin C , phosphorus, magnesium, iron and water-soluble fibers. Yellow Pitahaya’s seeds are more beneficial than pulps , and contains more Polyphenols and vitamins C. Polyphenols are antioxidants that help human body, it is anti-aging and prevents all kinds of chronic diseases , such as cardiovascular disease and cancer, while vitamin C helps to make Collagen, imporves cell growth and repair, and enhance immunity. In addition, Yellow Pitahaya also contains rich polyunsaturated fatty acids and crude fiber, compared to the famous red Skin dragon fruit can promote intestinal peristalsis, helping defecation. It is very suitable for people with constipation. But Yellow Pitahaya tastes very sweet. People with diabetes should eat with precaution and with reasonable portion. Suggesting people who is gastrointestinal sensitive and children should have reasonable portion. It normally recommends to be having half fruit per person per day.
Freeze Dried Fruits